Monday 30 March 2020

Task for 5th and 6th graders: Riddles 🐻

My dear 5th graders made up some great riddles to practice their comparative and superlative adjectives. Read and try to guess:

Next week, the answers!
thank you, kids of 5º!

(🐙Mi querido alumnado de 5º se ha inventado unas adivinanzas para que las averigüéis. Ellos y ellas han practicado el uso del comparativo y superlativo. Lee e intenta adivinar. La semana que viene, publicamos las respuestas. 🐤).
  1. What’s the animal with most teeth in the world?  SLUGS.
  2. 2 Which is the biggest animal in the world?  THE BLUE WHALE 🐳 
  3. 3 Which is faster, the lion or the elephant? THE LION IS FASTER THAN THE ELEPHANT.
  4. 4 Which are smaller, tortoises or spiders? SPIDERS, APPARENTLY. DID YOU KNOW THERE’S A SPIDER TORTOISE 🐢 
  5. Which is longer, the spider or the stick insect? THE STICK INSECT.
  6. What's the slowest animal in the world? THE SLOTH
  7. What is the biggest cat? THE LIGER, A MIXTURE OF 🐱 AND 🐯
  8. Which one is the biggest animal? THE BLUE WHALE
  9. What is the smallest animal? The smallest animal is a question that scientists have debated for many years. Don’t worry. The nature of science means the answers will keep changing as researchers make new discoveries. Maybe a smaller vertebrate will be discovered in a quiet forest, on an exotic island, at the bottom of a canyon or in the dark abyss of the ocean. Scientists will keep looking.
  10. The dog is ___ __ the human. PRETTIER THAN/ NICER THAN/ SMALLER THAN/ WISER THAN...
  11. The fish is __ __ the whale SMALLER THAN
  12. My animal is bigger than a hamster, more beautiful than a spider and the tallest in the world. What's my animal? A GIRAFFE 🦒
  13. What’s the smallest animal in Spain? (I really don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️) 
  14. It’s smaller than the elephant, it may be invisible but its normal color is green.  THE CHAMELEON.
  15. What’s the biggest animal in the world?  THE BLUE WHALE 🐳