Sunday 5 April 2020



  1. One o'clock
  2. half past two
  3. half past six
  4. twenty past eight
  5. a quarter past seven
  6. ten to nine
  7. six thirty five/ twenty five to seven
  8. twenty to three
  9. half past nine (eight)
  10. twenty to twelve
  11. twelve o'clock
  12. eight o'clock
  13. twenty to one
  14. twenty past to
  15. a quarter to six
  16. five past five
  17. half past one
  18. five to six
  19. half past twelve
  20. twenty past twelve
  21. a quarter to three
  22. ten to one
  23. twenty to three
  24. twenty five to twelve
  25. ten past eight (seven)
  26. twenty five to eleven
  27. twenty  to eleven
  28. half past one
  29. twenty five past eleven
  30. twenty five to ten
  31. a quarter to four
  32. one o'clock
  33. twenty five past eight
  34. half past six
  35. twenty to ten
  36. a quarter to eleven
  37. a quarter to one
  38. two o'clock
  39. half past three
  40. five past nine
  41. twenty five past one
  42. a quarter to two
  43. a quarter past three
  44. twenty to four
  45. twenty past five
  46. twenty five to seven
  47. ten to seven
  48. eight o'clock
  49. twenty five to one
  50. twenty five to ten
  51. five to six
  52. a quarter to five
  53. half past nine
  54. five to three
  55. twenty five past twelve
  56. twenty eight to ten
  57. twenty five past seven
  58. five o'clock
  59. five to eleven
  60.  half past two
  61. a quarter to five
  62. a quarter past nine
  63. a quarter to twelve
  64. half past twelve
  65. half past three
  66. five past twelve
  67. a quarter to five


Giant’s description

This is the poem:

There lived a green giant whose name was Sam. His hair was the colour of strawberry jam.
He had one brown eye and one blue eye.
And a beard the colour of a pumpkin pie.
He wore a blue coat and his pants were oh so bright
Like a peppermint stick all red and white.

This is poetry. Let’s write it in your words:
He’s tall and strong.
He’s got long/short, spiky/curly/straight/wavy red hair.
He’s got  one brown eye and one blue eye 🤪 and an orange beard.
He’s wearing a blue coat and red and white pants (trousers).

Animal riddles

  1. What’s the animal with most teeth in the world?  SLUGS.
  2. 2 Which is the biggest animal in the world?  THE BLUE WHALE 🐳 
  3. 3 Which is faster, the lion or the elephant? THE LION IS FASTER THAN THE ELEPHANT.
  4. 4 Which are smaller, tortoises or spiders? SPIDERS, APPARENTLY. DID YOU KNOW THERE’S A SPIDER TORTOISE 🐢 
  5. Which is longer, the spider or the stick insect? THE STICK INSECT.
  6. What's the slowest animal in the world? THE SLOTH
  7. What is the biggest cat? THE LIGER, A MIXTURE OF 🐱 AND 🐯
  8. Which one is the biggest animal? THE BLUE WHALE
  9. What is the smallest animal? The smallest animal is a question that scientists have debated for many years. Don’t worry. The nature of science means the answers will keep changing as researchers make new discoveries. Maybe a smaller vertebrate will be discovered in a quiet forest, on an exotic island, at the bottom of a canyon or in the dark abyss of the ocean. Scientists will keep looking.
  10. The dog is ___ __ the human. PRETTIER THAN/ NICER THAN/ SMALLER THAN/ WISER THAN...
  11. The fish is __ __ the whale SMALLER THAN
  12. My animal is bigger than a hamster, more beautiful than a spider and the tallest in the world. What's my animal? A GIRAFFE 🦒
  13. What’s the smallest animal in Spain? (I really don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️) 
  14. It’s smaller than the elephant, it may be invisible but its normal color is green.  THE CHAMELEON.
  15. What’s the biggest animal in the world?  THE BLUE WHALE 🐳